Senior IT project manager

The job at a Glance

Don't just join a team, extend your family!

If you're a battle-hardened Senior IT Project Manager with a flair for managing tech shenanigans and bringing laughter to the project battlefield, we want to hear from you. Bring your experience, your humor, and your enthusiasm, and let's embark on an epic adventure together.

What you will be doing

Epic responsibilities that will make you the project management Chuck Norris

  • Harness your superpowers of organization and leadership to oversee and manage a variety of complex IT projects. You'll be like the Gandalf of project management, guiding teams through treacherous timelines and resource constraints.
  • Collaborate with a diverse team of tech wizards, developers, and engineers. You'll be the Dumbledore of coordination, bringing together their unique skills and harnessing their magic to create innovative solutions that will make our clients go "Wow!" (or maybe even shed a tear of joy).
  • Be the conductor of the IT orchestra, ensuring that everyone is in tune and playing the right notes. You'll keep an eye on budgets, timelines, and resources, wielding your magic wand (or spreadsheet) to prevent any project from turning into a digital disaster symphony.
  • Champion effective communication like a true Babel fish whisperer. You'll facilitate meetings, mediate conflicts, and translate technobabble into plain English, making sure everyone is on the same wavelength (Wi-Fi signal?).
What you'll need

Skills to wield like a tech-savvy wizard (no wand required)

  • Proven experience in successfully managing complex IT projects, from inception to completion. You've battled through the trenches of software releases, wrangled with data migrations, and emerged victorious from the chaos.
  • Exceptional leadership skills that would make even Alexander the Great take notes. You inspire teams to conquer impossible tasks and deliver exceptional results, all while keeping morale high and laughter abundant.
  • Superhuman problem-solving abilities. You can decode the trickiest of technical puzzles, navigate through the darkest corners of project challenges, and bring clarity to chaos like a Jedi master.
  • A sense of humor that can rival a stand-up comedian's. In the world of tech projects, laughter is the secret weapon to keep spirits high and stress at bay. Memes, jokes, and light-hearted banter are not only welcomed but encouraged.
What you'll Get

Perks that will make you say "Holy Coding Batman!"

  • Salary ranging from 5.000 EUR to 8.500 EUR net (B2B).
  • Fully remote work policy, allowing you to work from the comfort of your own command center
  • A supportive and inclusive work environment that values your unique skills and contributions.
  • Training budget to spend on your own development.
  • Regular team events, both virtual and in-person (once a year in a paradise location), to celebrate milestones and foster a sense of camaraderie.